When and where: Learning Group Schedule
Learn German online with support from our learning group helpers. Learning groups for refugees and asylum-seekers meet at the following Munich City Libraries every week according to this schedule (except on public holidays):
Bibliothek Library Bibliothèque مكتبة کتابخانه |
Montag Monday Lundi الإثنين دوشنبه |
Dienstag Tuesday Mardi الثلاثاء سه شنبه |
Mittwoch Wednesday Mercredi الأربعاء چهار شنبه |
Donnerstag Thursday Jeudi الخميس پنج شنبه |
Freitag Friday Vendredi الجمعة جمعه |
Samstag Saturday Samedi السبت شنبه |
Am Gasteig Rosenheimer Straße 5 |
10:00-12:00 | |||||
Sendling Albert-Roßhaupter-Str 8 |
17:00-19:00 | |||||
Westend Schießstättstr. 20c |
16:00-18:00 | 16:00-18:00 |
Find the learning group nearest you.
Click on the purple symbols in this map to get more information about each library.
You can also learn independently online at any of the Munich City Libraries
Overview of the Munich City Libraries:
Central Library at Gasteig • Branch Libraries
Find out how it works.
Library opening hours
Munich City Library at Gasteig
Monday to Friday 10am – 7pm
Saturday 11am – 4pm
City Libraries in Hasenbergl, Giesing, Neuhausen, Neuperlach, Pasing & Sendling
Closed Mondays
Tuesday to Friday 10am – 7pm
Saturday 10am – 3pm
Other Munich City Libraries
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10am – 7pm
Wednesday 2pm– 7pm