Learn German with Learn a lot
Are you a refugee or asylum-seeker in the Munich area? This is how we can help you:
We provide:
- Free access to online German language courses and exercises (in many base languages!)
- Laptops for use at the library
- Weekly Learning Groups with helpers to support you with your learning
You can:
- Learn independently at all the Munich City Libraries during normal opening hours (with a library card)
- Obtain language certificates
- Use the programs on your smartphone or computer.
Please bring:
- Your own earphones
- Your residence permit and proof of address if you are a refugee and would like a free library card
- You do NOT need computer experience
Drop by!
Come to a learning group at the Munich City Libraries! Click to find out when and where we meet.
Photo Gallery – Learning Groups at the Munich City Libraries
- Lerntreff Bogenhausen Bild1
- Lerntreff Bogenhausen Bild2
- Lerntreff Hadern Bild1
- Lerntreff Sendling Bild1
- Lerntreff Sendling Bild2
- Lerntreff Sendling Bild3
- Lerntreff Westend Bild1
- Lerntreff Westend Bild2
- Lerntreff Westend Bild3
- Lerntreff Westend Bild 4